POV: 4th generation dairy farmer
World Economic Forum Davos Summit
What these billionaire investors want you to believe is that they are being incredibly benevolent in their investments. They market their support of a sustainable and climate friendly agriculture as their gift to the world at large. They share stories of how innovation in agriculture will help eliminate world hunger and safeguard the planet for future generations. They speak of the building a better future by harnessing the technology and innovation of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” Their marketing game is on point.
From hand milking to robots: the evolution of dairy farms
Innovation is a common denominator in dairy farming regardless of herd size, farm-owner demographics, or geography. From a principle standpoint, perpetual innovation is one of the few consistencies in farming at all.
What We Do with Bull Calves on Our Farm
So a dairy farm’s purpose is to produce milk, right? And milk comes from female cows, right? So you might be wondering what we do with bulls that are born on our farm.
Cows and “Consent” to be Bred
There’s a lot of controversy about cows giving “consent” to be bred. I don’t know about you, but last I knew, cattle can’t speak English. So their way of giving “consent” is to provide nonverbal cues to show when they want to be bred.
Why We Separate Baby Calves from their Mother
Taking calves away from their mama cow is a common practice on dairy farms. Why do we do this?
What goes into my feed truck?
I get a lot of questions about what we feed our cows. The answer to that question is a Total Mixed Ration (TMR). A TMR is a combination of feed ingredients to make up a balanced meal to feed the cows. A TMR helps a dairy cow achieve maximum performance and health.
Hey Epicurious, you aren’t going to share beef recipes? Then I will.
So I heard Epicurious isn’t going to post beef recipes anymore. I think that’s crap. So I did my own recipe round up. Join me in enjoying these 10 beef recipes from farmers and ranchers themselves.
Cows are Not Causing Climate Change
Let’s put the misconception that cows are causing climate change to rest. Dairy farmers are producing four times as much milk with almost one third the number of cows.
Dairy Cows vs. Beef Cattle
Dairy cows are not the same as beef cows. They should not and do not look alike. They are bred, and therefore built, differently and for their own specific purposes.
Vaccinations 101
It’s important to understand cattle vaccines and why we choose to vaccinate our dairy cows. Ultimately, we want to make our cows’ lives better, safer and healthier.
A look at Agricultural Subsidies
Breaking down the 4 percent of the U.S. federal budget allocated to food and agriculture subsidies.
Let’s talk about CAFOs (Confined Animal Feed Operation)
Are CAFOs, or a Confined Animal Feed Operations, bad? What are they? What does it mean? Let’s discuss.