POV: 4th generation dairy farmer
World Economic Forum Davos Summit
What these billionaire investors want you to believe is that they are being incredibly benevolent in their investments. They market their support of a sustainable and climate friendly agriculture as their gift to the world at large. They share stories of how innovation in agriculture will help eliminate world hunger and safeguard the planet for future generations. They speak of the building a better future by harnessing the technology and innovation of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” Their marketing game is on point.
Milk choices: pasteurized vs. ultra-pasteurized vs ultra-high temperature pasteurized
There are three types of milk pasteurization: high temp short time (HTST), which is the standard form of pasteurization for milk; ultra (UP); and ultra-high temperature (UHT).
What is a Milking Parlor?
No longer are the days of sitting on a stool with a bucket and milking each cow by hand. The milk parlor has optimized the milking process; making it more efficient and a vital tool in keeping up with the dairy demands of the world.
What goes into my feed truck?
I get a lot of questions about what we feed our cows. The answer to that question is a Total Mixed Ration (TMR). A TMR is a combination of feed ingredients to make up a balanced meal to feed the cows. A TMR helps a dairy cow achieve maximum performance and health.
Cows are Not Causing Climate Change
Let’s put the misconception that cows are causing climate change to rest. Dairy farmers are producing four times as much milk with almost one third the number of cows.
A Dairy Cow’s Schedule: Exposed
What does a dairy cow do all day? Is she forced to milk for hours on end? What’s actually happening?
Put on your seatbelt, because Derrick is spilling the tea.